Thanks to our long-standing business relationships with craftsmen, wholesalers and other merchants we are in a position to guarantee products of first quality at reasonable prices.
Since we are convinced of the quality of our products, we offer you the opportunity to try our pieces at your premises without any engagement. Upon consultation we will bring the requested items to your premises for you to try them in situ before you make your final purchase decision.
We will deliver purchased goods as well as goods on approval to your premises free of charge within a certain distance from Riga. We also ship to many other locations in Latvia and abroad.
We are pleased to advise you on the interior design of your premises with particular regard to all aspects of decorating with carpets. As each Oriental carpet is unique, we understand that it can be challenging to find the perfect piece for your requirements. For this reason we offer free consultation in our retail store, online and even at your premises. We are also happy to work closely with interior designers and other experts seeking to please their clients.
If you are looking for a specific carpet and you know exactly what you want or at least some criteria, we are very likely able to find the ideal piece for you (assuming that it actually exists).
We provide you with the opportunity to trade in your old carpet for a discount on a new one. In certain cases we will offer to purchase your carpet, even if you will not decide to buy a new one.